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Through the Lens

Through the Lens

We've been up to some pretty awesome adventures. We can see you have too, we see those Instagram posts... looking good, guys!



The featherweight Hawaii1 is still a heavy hitter when it comes to being an endurance athlete favorite. Built out of TR90 and carbon fiber, they weigh just 0.7 ounces. Triathlete Magazine recognized the Hawaii1 in their 2017 Buyer's Guide:

"...Carbon fiber arms and crystal-clear polarized lenses. An adjustable nosepiece and rubber tips on the arms do a good job of keeping the glasses from sliding when you start sweating. A generous 365-day return policy makes the XX2i a worry-free buy." Read more...

Get the Hawaii1




Winter Vinecki is flying high after wrapping up an excellent season by placing 2nd at Junior World Championships! No rest for this Olympic hopeful though - a week later she was straight back to conditioning camp and then onto Maui for some big ocean fishing! Photo courtesy of Winter Vinecki - featuring the Bahamas1.

Shop Polarized Casuals



XX2i Optics

In the endless quest for a summer-ready bikini body, we're trying to curb our snacking *resolutely closes candy drawer*. Professional runner and Canadian record holder Natasha LaBeaud Anzurs gave us a gluten-free lesson on squashing the urge to reach for the gummy worms mid-morning. Read on...

Natasha's Beach Sunglass: Bermuda1



Bruckner Chase XX2i Optics

Just in time for Earth Day, XX2i Optics announced a partnership with Chase Bruckner, a legendary open water endurance athlete. One of only 5 Americans to ever complete the grueling Coolangatta Gold Surf Lifesaving Iron Man Championship in Australia, and the only American to ever medal in the event, Bruckner Chase is a decorated athlete, ocean conservation activist, and brand ambassador. His driving mantra is, very simply, to positively impact how we feel, think and act towards our oceans. Read more...

Polarized Perfection for the Waves



strava femmes

The stage: A 340 mile race, from Los Angeles CA to Las Vegas NV, going over some of the most treacherous terrain in the country.

The cast: Global running and cycling brand Strava’s first all-female team to attempt such a feat. 6 ultra-endurance athletes, ranging from a former collegiate cross country star to a handful of IRONMAN finishers.

Part 1 of the StravaFemmes saga is on the blog now - Part 2 coming soon! Read here.

Shop: The Desert-Worthy France1

France2: More Coverage for Larger Faces



Is there a Spartan race, or a mud run in your future? The Australia1 got props this week from the Athlinks blog, as the perfect piece of gear for an obstacle race. Pick one up today, and get 60% off your next pair of sunglasses.

Get Yours: Australia1




XX2i Optics partnered with Sean Swarner on an epic expedition to the North Pole to raise $50,000 for cancer organizations and research. Best known for summiting Everest with one functioning lung (after losing the other to cancer in his 20's), Swarner made the trek to the North Pole with a massive flag that bore almost 2,000 names of people touched by cancer. You can read his updates about every step of the way there on his blog.

Sean's Pick: USA1 with Polarized Blue Flash Lenses



Our sunglasses get put through their paces when it comes to working with some of our more extreme athletes. The guys and gals over at BHP test out all of our frames, taking them out into backcountry and bush to see how they perform. Look for more videos and social media from BHP this season - you can follow them on Facebook or Instagram: @BowHunterPlanet

Shop Hunting and Shooting Sunglasses




American athletes are looking strong in the water this season - in their first official match since the 2016 Olympic Games, the Men's National Team defeated Japan 10-8 at the FINA Intercontinental Tournament, and then beat Kazakhstan 15-10 on the second day. You can livestream all the games via the Water Polo Australia YouTube page. The NCAA Women's Championship is set for May 12-14 in Indiana - the first team on the docket is the women's collegiate team the Pomona-Pitzer Sagehens from Southern California.

Shop Sunglasses for Water Sports



If a small blur of red goes shooting past you in Alabama, chances are it's junior champion Carmine Miller. This little ripper of an 11 year old already has more podiums under his belt than you can shake a stick at. He's the Alabama Cycling Association Cyclocross Series champion two years running (2015 and 2016), and is looking to move into mountain bike races this season. He doesn't let it get to his head though - he still waves at his mom during races. Move over Sagan, Carmine is here. Follow him on Instagram: @CarmineMiller

Get the Hyper Orange France1














The weather is looking up, time to go for a ride in the Hawaii1. Photo courtesy of Ride for Water. We'll see you next time!